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A Grand Conspiracy...

Updated: Apr 11, 2020

In these crazy times, we are bombarded with tons of data, misinformation, disinformation and of course some truth. It is hard to evaluate this information flow without triggering our own historical biases. We really need to all start thinking in a different sort of way. I am looking at every story through multiple lenses these days. I also weigh the information against my prior knowledge and understanding – and in many cases seek more clarification – before arriving at any conclusions. All that said, our minds do go to some dark places – so I figured, why not go down one of those rabbit holes on a Quarantine Saturday! I think you will enjoy the read...

If the conspiracy theories of the past 4 decades, surrounding a One World Government and New World Order are to be believed (and I am not suggesting they are) – then THIS pandemic is precisely how you would finalize that goal. Let me break it down…

Global Domination

China has emerged as the single biggest emerging power on the planet (although still second in size to the US in GDP ~40% smaller, but growing at double the rate). They have done this by influencing global enterprises through Globalism - pushing global companies to shift manufacturing to their shores (much of this is now outsourced by China itself!). The US alone imports $550B of Chinese goods, and runs a $400B trade deficit each and every year. The reason why this was always dangerous is that the developed nations of the world put all of their confidence in a totalitarian nation that has an abysmal human rights record – and imprisons ethnic minorities by the millions. They never face any meaningful scrutiny - because they have us all by the balls! Furthermore, their production quality is not high – to say the least. They also steal the IP from the very companies they are supposed to be manufacturing for – and distribute those same products internationally, while undercutting their own customers! How could we have ever allowed this to happen?? China rigged the system via their control of the WTO, and the UN…and finally, via their dominance of the UN – they have effectively taken over control of the WHO - having placed the current Director General in power. Tedros happens to be from Ethiopia - a nation that China owns FULLY. This is the entity that is central to this current catastrophe. China’s control of all these entities allowed them to spread propaganda for decades, and close the world’s eyes to the extreme risks of entrusting key portions of our economic viability to them.

China successfully achieved what Russia never could – yet Russia is apparently enemy number 1? Why-because of a bogus meeting at Trump tower in 2016 and $100k of phony FB ads? (I apologize for the digression!) The fact is, China now owns many nations, and many western enterprises, including key media assets. They also own many of our politicians ON BOTH SIDES. The evidence is so clear – all you need to do is read the Washington Post, NYT or watch CNN or MSNBC, and you will see the biggest CCP (Chinese Communist Party) sycophants of all. They will bash their own government 24/7 whilst praising Xi and the CCP relentlessly. Even if you despise the current US Administration, this is unacceptable. If you can’t see when you are being pounded over the head with propaganda, there is no hope for you to appreciate any objective truths.

The Current Crisis

It is well documented that China did not reveal its first case of COVID19 until Dec 31. The WHO as late as Jan 14 – assured the world there was NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT. They declared a Global Health Emergency on Jan 30 (once the cat/bat was out of the bag) – and the US followed the next day with a National Health Emergency (the WH task force was also established in January) – along with a travel ban from China – which the ENTIRE world condemned – including the WHO. Why would the WHO do this? Why would they oppose measures to curtail the spread/seeding of this horrific scourge? Had they sanctioned travel restrictions in January (when the US did), this would have been over by now. The answer is simple, China didn’t want the world to protect themselves, and the WHO was carrying their water unconditionally. What is my evidence you ask? Well for one thing, they refused to let CDC Scientists in to study the pathogen and related epidemiological data. WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS? Pride? Coverup? Or to stonewall the world as the scourge spread violently…

China has disclosed ~3200 deaths and only 81k cases among a population of 1.4B (60M in the epicenter of Hubei province alone). We know they allegedly took draconian steps to stop the virus, but with open travel across China for months – how did they prevent this from spreading? There are a few possibilities... 1. They didn’t – and this is ravaging their population, as it has globally. They are just lying to us. Note that they kicked out many western Journalists last month. I don’t buy this option for a moment.

2. This wasn’t necessarily released on purpose, but they had enough advanced knowledge to prepare themselves. They have a cure (Vaccine or Therapeutics), and they are hiding it. This would certainly explain how their outbreak was so tiny and short, and furthermore - how they have been able to fully open up again.

3. They released this purposely, took a small short-term hit (which also assumes #2 above) – but unleashed this upon the world to throw us into chaos and economic catastrophe. THIS would certainly be the best way to implement that One World Order – with them at the helm…wouldn’t it? An extended shutdown will drive many nations to socialism and further dependence on the state to protect and control their citizenry. Cheap trade with China of course helps keep the flow of needed goods going…in fact making China even stronger than they are. Weakening almost every nation to the point of not being able to produce what they need to survive.

The CCP is doing everything they can to deflect blame, and the WHO have wholeheartedly assisted with this propaganda campaign. The WHO began by praising China’s efforts in dealing with this pandemic, and further – their cooperation with the rest of the world in helping the rest of us deal with it. The CCP then blamed the US Military for purposely unleashing this in China back in November! If that is the case, then why did the CCP tell us in January that this originated from Bats via the Wuhan wet markets?

Perhaps you don’t know that the only Chinese Level 4 Biolab happens to be located in Wuhan (this is an easily researchable fact), mere blocks from the wet markets! A level 4 Biolab is equipped to deal with the deadliest pathogens known (and unknown) to mankind. THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES. In reality, both the CCP and the WHO covered this up for 3-6 critical weeks. Even Dr. Birx & Dr. Fauci have admitted that we didn’t have enough of an understanding of this until March – to make any major adjustments to prepare (in terms of what we are now doing). Dr. Fauci is on record as late as Mid Feb suggesting we have NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT. You can look it up yourself, but I have seen the video evidence personally – Tucker Carlson ran a segment about it yesterday - with video clips. Who was the US gonna test, before there were any meaningful cases? No nation had/has the capacity to do mass surveillance testing – but that is coming soon. The WHO did NOT even declare this a Pandemic until March 11! The US then declared a National Emergency on March 13, along with banning all travel from the EU – following up on earlier travel advisories. Lockdowns came within days – across the globe. Note that at this time, the WHO was still condemning travel bans!!! The data on infectivity, hospitalization rates, and mortality rates – as well as % of Asymptomatic cases are still largely unknown. We simply do not know how many people have this – it could be 5-10x more than the reported cases. Why is this important? Because if 10x more people have it – it makes the mortality rate on par with the flu – and also would explain why many countries have peaked out already…Furthermore, if in fact the mortality rate was closer to <0.5% - then we certainly would not be shutting down the global economy. We would be protecting the most at risk individuals, being safe, and riding this out - like we have done for 100 yrs when these types of pathogens hit. The issue here is our lack of understanding of this virus – not just the US, not just Canada, but GLOBALLY! The truth is NOBODY understood this threat until it was TOO LATE. NOBODY ON THE PLANET – EXCEPT CHINA. We are all fighting this battle together – and thus, no world leader has any complicity here – except ONE. We are all now doing the best we can, using the full might of our sovereign nations to battle this. Interestingly, most nations are employing the same measures, which are Stay At Home orders coupled with modest economic support to ride this out. We are truly learning as we go here. That said, we need to come up with a workable solution by the end of April, or we are headed into a Mad Max future…

I was triggered today by a revelation that I heard this morning, and this one revelation will make your blood boil – and it certainly supports my radical conspiracy theory!


We all know that China has hit a road block implementing their home grown 5G networks globally – via their largest company Huawei. They have faced much scrutiny and opposition from the largest western nations – on the grounds of national security threats. This is a very valid concern. Afterall, we would be putting a totalitarian government in full control of all of our sensitive data. This has an impact on our economies, civil liberties, privacy and security. If the One World Government conspiracy is truly real – then wouldn’t it make sense that the nation at the helm would want a way to control all global data flows? Sounds logical to me!

Well here is the revelation…are you ready?

I just heard a US Congressman reveal that in a conversation the other day (allegedly) – Xi assured Macron (the President of France), that they would supply their request for 1 Billion N95 masks – IF they agreed to adopt their Huawei 5G networks nationally. Is steam coming out of your ears yet? If this is in fact the case – then this is more evidence that the ‘conspiracy’ may be closer to reality than fiction…right?! Now assume that Xi is using this leverage against everyone on the planet. If this was planned by them, then surely they have PPE, Ventilators and Treatments available to roll out when their psychotic ransom is paid…

Pharmaceutical Dependency

One last point in terms of China’s leverage against the world. EVERYONE reading this should be absolutely pissed at the fact China has threatened the US among others that they may withhold key drugs and drug components. In some cases, they control 80% of the raw materials in the drugs we consume every day. HOW CAN THE WORLD TOLERATE THIS? How did we let one of the most ruthless dictatorships in history wield this amount of power over us???

Closing Thoughts

I think it needs to be said that in 2015 and every year since, Donald Trump has warned us of the threat we all face from our dependence on China and Globalism. He has really been warning us about the threat of Globalism since the late 1980s…for those of you inclined to research it. We were warned that China wielded far too much power and leverage over us – and we were told the solution was some degree of protectionism as well as repatriation of key industries (same arguments pertain to Canada as well). USMCA (NAFTA2) was designed to create the most powerful trading block on the planet for this very reason! Most people don’t know this, but the USMCA deal has significant protection against China undercutting this powerful trading block. I am happy to be included in this great trio of nations! If in fact any aspect of this is consistent with the ‘conspiracy’, I would say that Trump broke China’s back by fighting back with his trade war – and forced them to resort to this current tactic. This is modern warfare – but no developed or moral nation would ever conceive of or resort to Biological warfare in this fashion…that said, could there be a fibre of your being that thinks China may have done just that?



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